miércoles, 8 de abril de 2020


Capítulo 22
Humillarse es perfeccionarse,
inclinarse es enderezarse,
vaciarse es llenarse,
gastarse es renovarse,
tener poco es ganancia,
tener mucho es pérdida.
Por eso, el sabio abraza todo en uno y es modelo para el mundo.
No se exhibe y por eso brilla,
no se autoafirma y por eso es famoso,
no se autoalaba y por eso tiene mérito,
no se envanece y por eso es jefe,
a nadie ataca y por eso nadie le ataca.
Lo que dice el dicho antiguo: "Humillarse es perfeccionarse",
¿son acaso palabras vacías?
Precisamente esto es perfección y retornar al Tao.
* * *
道德經     第二十二章
曲则全   枉则直   洼则盈   敝则新   少则得   多则惑
不自见   故明   不自是   故彰   不自伐   故有功   不自矜   故长
古之所谓曲则全者   岂虚言哉   诚全而归之
* * *
To yield is to be preserved whole.
To be bent is to become straight.
To be hollow is to be filled.
To be tattered is to be renewed.
To be in want is to possess.
To have plenty is to be confused.
Therefore the Sage embraces the One,
And becomes the model of the world.
He does not reveal himself,
   And is therefore luminous.
He does not justify himself,
   And is therefore far-famed.
He does not boast of himself,
   And therefore people give him credit.
He does not pride himself,
   And is therefore the chief among men.
Is it not indeed true, as the ancients say,
   "To yield is to be preserved whole?"
Thus he is preserved and the world does him homage.

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