miércoles, 8 de abril de 2020


Capítulo 16
Alcanza el mayor grado de vaciedad,
conserva la más profunda tranquilidad.
Todos los seres actúan abigarradamente,
y yo contemplo cómo retornan.
Ahora todos los seres se desarrollan profusamente,
y cada uno retorna a su origen.
Retornar al origen se llama tranquilidad,
y se dice que es retornar a la naturaleza original.
Retornar a la naturaleza original es eternidad.
Conocer la eternidad se llama iluminación,
y no conocerla lleva a actuar temerariamente,
causando la desgracia.
Conocer la eternidad es aceptarlo todo.
Aceptarlo todo es ser universal.
Ser universal es ser celestial.
Ser celestial es ser Tao.
Ser Tao es ser imperecedero, y hasta la muerte
se estará sin peligros.
* * *
道德經     第十六章
致虚极   守静笃
万物并作   吾以观复
夫物芸芸   各复归其根
归根曰静   是谓复命
知常曰明   不知常   妄作凶
知常容   容乃公   公乃全   全乃天   天乃道   道乃久   
* * *
Attain the utmost in Passivity,
Hold firm to the basis of Quietude.
The myriad things take shape and rise to activity,
   But I watch them fall back to their repose.
Like vegetation that luxuriantly grows
   But returns to the root (soil) from which it springs.
To return to the root is Repose;
   It is called going back to one's Destiny.
Going back to one's Destiny is to find the Eternal Law.
   To know the Eternal Law is Enlightenment.
And not to know the Eternal Law
   Is to court disaster.
He who knows the Eternal Law is tolerant;
Being tolerant, he is impartial;
Being impartial, he is kingly;
Being kingly, he is in accord with Nature;
Being in accord with Nature, he is in accord with Tao;
Being in accord with Tao, he is eternal,
And his whole life is preserved from harm.

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